How does cupping work? Cupping employs the localized use of negative pressure (vacuum) to reverse the centripetal pull of gravity. Simply stated, it uses gentle, controlled suction to open up muscle tissue and vastly increase local circulation of blood and fluids....
Perhaps it is a reflection of the upbringing that most men had, the notion that males are strong and silent, and that boys don’t cry. We don’t talk about how the rates of prostate cancer are almost exactly the same as rates of breast cancer in...
There are moments were the world is suddenly and completely different. The first moment you noticed her hair falls like a kiss around her shoulders. The space between breaths, when as a child, you first found balance on a bicycle. The illumination and heart expanding...
This is a common question from those of us living in the West. It should be too! We didn’t grow up with uncles that knew something about how to knock needles into points that would turn an illness on its pivot. Our mothers didn’t brew up swampy decoctions...
If it is pain you want, we can refer you to some other therapies. Acupuncture, while it does have sensation, few would call it pain. My good friend Jean Paul, an accomplished acupuncturist who I first met in Taiwan and now lives on Vancouver Island in Canada, has this...
Sometimes acupuncture seems like a miracle. A strained back that suddenly turns into “I guess I did not twist it as bad as I thought I had,” digestion that regulates and settles down, hot flashes that go from a daily irritation to an occasional annoyance,...