Acupuncture Does Not Heal Like Biomedicine
Acupuncture does not heal like biomedicine. It is not a magic bullet synthesized to kill the source of suffering. It’s more like how the sun coming out after a week of cold drizzle will elevate your mood in a way that no pharmaceutical could come close to matching.

How Does Acupuncture Work?
Many of us Westerners think acupuncture is either pseudo-scientific mumbo-jumbo or a miracle cure. It’s neither. Our unfamiliarity with it easily leads us to imagine it’s either a one-and-done treatment or wishful thinking.

Acupuncture for stress reduction and anxiety
I often walk into a palpable stillness when entering the room where someone has been marinating with needles for 20 or 30 minutes. That hinge between moments of eternity that is neither sleep nor waking is a common experience for many. While many patients come to the...
Why do we put needles in the feet for headaches or in the elbow for knee pain?
We tend to think of the body in the same way we think of buildings. There is a frame (bones), plumbing (blood vessels), wiring (nerves) — and all these work like the mechanical aspects of a building. But we forget one essential thing: We are organic living...