Wind Pool, Gallbladder 20 You already know this point. Intuitively your fingers gravitate here when you have a headache, your neck feels stiff, or your stress level has climbed into the orange zone. This point is excellent for relieving neck pain, treating headaches,...
Asking an acupuncturist about acupuncture can give you plenty of information about the use and curative effects of acupuncture, but to get at the experience of acupuncture, ask a patient. Recently, I had a patient tell me this about the experience of acupuncture: The...
We all know that scratchy metallic taste in the back of the throat that snaps you out of the daily routine and makes you wonder, “am I getting sick?” Sometimes it is a few sneezes in quick succession, the ones that have a feeling of fever behind them, that...
We know that there are pathways through that body that can lead to astonishing relief from pain. We know that things take time– that walking slowly in the right direction is much preferable to a sudden 90-degree turn in lifestyle. Acupuncturists know that health...
It is not about mapping the body with a pre-modern GPS, nor is it about measurement and the superimposition of a one size fits all chart. Finding acupuncture points is more like following a scent or reading wind on the water. It it more closely akin to knowing how to...
Today’s guest post comes from Victoria BC acupuncturist Jean-Paul Thuot, who is famous for his list of things that hurt more than acupuncture. Today he discusses expectations and misconceptions about the use of acupuncture. **************** “Acupuncture...