Acupuncture and Chinese herbs for weight loss

Acupuncture and Chinese herbs for weight loss

  Oddly enough, your weight has very little to do with the calories you consume and acupuncture is not the miracle you have been told it is. I am often asked about the use of acupuncture for weight loss, what kinds of Chinese herbs can be employed for appetite...
Acupuncture and Chinese herbs for UTI’s

Acupuncture and Chinese herbs for UTI’s

  When antibiotics fail; more is not always better when treating urinary tract infections. It is usually a simple 2+2 equation– a urinary tract  infection usually equals a course or two, or three of antibiotics. It is such a common treatment that many...
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs for Fertility

Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs for Fertility

If you have experienced issues with fertility, then you likely have put acupuncture and Chinese medicine on your list of treatments to consider. In my clinical experience I have seen these time honored Chinese methods to be of assistance to women who want to get...
Treating Meniere’s disease with Chinese medicine

Treating Meniere’s disease with Chinese medicine

Acupuncture is well known for its ability to treat pain, regulate a woman’s menstrual cycle, and instill a deep sense of quietude and well-being. What is less well known is that Chinese herbal medicine can be effective in the treatment of certain...
Are Chinese herbs dangerous?

Are Chinese herbs dangerous?

I love watching those Olympic athletes bump through a mogul field, float a corkscrewed flip, land like cat and continue to scream like a banshee down the slope. The way those skaters pull off a triple backward spin and land on a thin edge of steel is truly miraculous....