Acupuncture Does Not Heal Like Biomedicine

Acupuncture Does Not Heal Like Biomedicine

Acupuncture does not heal like biomedicine. It is not a magic bullet synthesized to kill the source of suffering. It’s more like how the sun coming out after a week of cold drizzle will elevate your mood in a way that no pharmaceutical could come close to matching.

How Does Acupuncture Work?

How Does Acupuncture Work?

Many of us Westerners think acupuncture is either pseudo-scientific mumbo-jumbo or a miracle cure. It’s neither. Our unfamiliarity with it easily leads us to imagine it’s either a one-and-done treatment or wishful thinking.

The Jewish Mother’s Guide to Chinese Medicine

The Jewish Mother’s Guide to Chinese Medicine

There is really nothing magical or special about Chinese medicine. Much of it is just plain old (un)common sense. Stuff you would likely have heard your mother saying, had you been paying attention. While the needles and herbs can go a long way in helping to shift...