Michael Max
Licensed Acupuncturist
Evergreen State College, BA Liberal Arts 1985
Seattle Institute of Oriental Medicine, MAOM 1998
Taiwan Shifan University, Mandarin Training Center
Beijing TCM University, 2002-2003, independent study
Certificates and License:
NCCAOM certificates in both acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine
MO State license #54
WA State license #481
The 10 Key Formula Families in Chinese Medicine (translation)
Translations in various professional journals.
Host of www.everydayacupuncturepodcast.com, a podcast show dedicated to how you can use the principles and methods of Chinese medicine in your everyday life, and www.qiological.com a podcast series for practitioners of East Asian Medicine.
What can you expect from Chinese medicine, and what can you expect from working with me?
Chinese medicine is rooted in natural processes and rhythms. By and large, it is not a “quick fix” medicine and while at times the results can be astonishing, there is nothing magical about it. It is simply the application of an old science that was already flourishing when our European ancestors still considered illness to be caused by demons or divine displeasure.
The medicine I practice seeks both to get to the root cause of ailments and also alleviate symptoms. My main concern is the root cause. You are no doubt familiar with the mischief that comes from snapping off the stalk of a weed, thus allowing the root to grow more vital and strong. So if you are looking solely for symptomatic relief, another practitioner or medicine would be a better choice.
Unlike the Western pharmaceuticals that push and tug your body in a myriad of directions — and often come with significant side effects — the Chinese herbs that I use are far more gentle. They don’t force your body to march in a chemical lockstep so much as coax and cultivate it into a more harmonized way of being. While some herbs can work quickly, for the most part you need to give them some days or weeks. If you are trying to turn around a long-standing problem, it could take months for the herbs to do their work. Again, if you are seeking instant changes, this medicine will not be a good choice for you.
What else?
You can expect me to be attentive, to be inquisitive and to use my skills to the best of my ability. Know that I constantly strive to improve my craft through study and reading. Expect for me to meet you as a person, not as a “case” or an “illness.” We are all more than our diagnoses and problems, and I trust that you have often-hidden resources that just need an invitation to come forth and blossom.
You can expect me to respect your values, thoughts and concerns, and I will point out where you might make some changes in service of your wellbeing. I will not demand that you change, but will remind you when your lifestyle contributes to your problems. The choices you make are yours, and I respect that. I trust we all have an inner guidance that works at its own rhythm and pace.
At Yong Kang Clinic, you can expect anything from laughter, to tears, to profound moments of quietude and moments of surprise. When you come for acupuncture you get to bring your entire Self and being to the party. Everything and every part of you is welcome to show up, be counted and join the process.
Finally, I don’t heal you. You do. The medicine I practice can open doors, create opportunities, bring insights and restore lost recognitions, balance and harmony. But it is you and your unique inner doctor that does the healing. I can help to facilitate the journey, but the journey is yours.
You will need some patience and you will need some time. It is also helpful if you are willing to let your world be transformed into one that has more balance, vitality and spirit.