While well-known (and justifiably so) for the treatment of pain. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine are useful for all kinds of problems for which you might seek out a western biomedicine doctor.
- Urinary tract infections
- Carpel tunnel syndrome
- Depression
- Acid reflux
- Menstrual irregularities
- Post-hepatic neuralgia
- Anxiety
- Problems with sleep
- Confusion about direction in life
…all are issues that can be resolved with Chinese medicine.
I commonly hear the refrain,
“I didn’t know acupuncture treated that.”
Indeed it is not uncommon for those who come in seeking relief from one issue, find to their surprise and delight that acupuncture offers a drug free solution to something they had resigned themselves to a lifetime of suffering or ever-renewing drug prescription.
What else is well treated by Chinese medicine?
Those oddball or hard to describe symptoms that do not fit neatly into our usual western medicine thought and frame. Those peculiar symptoms that we avoid mentioning to a doctor for fear they will think we are a little crazy, or just plain weird. In practice those oddball symptoms can be the key to unlocking a particular health concern. Chinese doctors have been recording symptom pictures and presentations for thousands of years.
There is not much that sounds strange to us.
Thousands of years accumulated medical experience often gives the acupuncturist an insight or two into those conditions that defy discovery by western medicine’s scopes and scans. While we can effectively treat many conditions that are also treated by antibiotics and steroids, and do it without sides effects.
We also offer relief for those conditions that western medicine says do not exist, simply because they don’t move the needle on some machine or alter the chemistry of the blood. Feeling out of sorts is frequently an early warning that something is amiss, and like plucking weeds from a garden it is best to deal with them when they are small and only tenderly rooted.