I bought a ticket from one of Taipei’s kabillion 7/11’s for the the high speed train that time slices the journey from Taipei to Tainan. For a 35 cent service charge the pre-ticket sales line at the train station can be avoided. Taiwanese 7/11’s...
Fluency is not a list of words that slide off the tongue in the proper order. It is not simply a matter of dictionaries and definitions. Words are like a signal propagated through a carrier be it radio, wire or light; in life we call that carrier culture. It at...
It does not come easy for most Americans. It does not come easy for those of us raised on a diet of “right now,” of hopes and promises of overnight riches, of guaranteed transformation in 10 days. With eyes focused on the instant, it feels like a water...
There is a method of telling fortunes in Taiwan. Actually, there are many methods of telling fortunes in Taiwan. Fortune tellers in Taiwan are as numerous as psychotherapists in any trendy west coast American city, and for the most part serve the same function. Which...